Pilot: Jim Tuley
Home: Georgia
Age: 36
Current position: First officer on the MD88 for Delta Air Lines
Certificates and ratings: ATP multi and commercial single, Instrument rated in both, MEI,CFI, CFII, ATR-42, ATR-72, and DC-9
Pilot: Jeff Cunningham
Home: Georgia
Current Position: Director of American Flyers of Atl, GA
Pilot: Matt Conway
Home: Georgia
Current Position: Chief Flight Instructor
Pilot: Owner: Al Hillman
Home: Florida
Current position:CEO Hillman Motors
Recreational Aircraft owner
Pilot: Robert Ingles
Home: Georgia
Current position: CFII
Pilot/owner: John Betsill
Airport Support Network Volunteer
Pilot: Michael Mendehall
Private Pilot
Paulding County, GA
Cessna 150